OCIA and Catechesis:
Practical Applications
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 / 2-3:30pm EST
Perhaps one of the most appropriate recipients of an evangelizing catechesis is the catechumen. But how can dioceses better provide that to catechumens in their OCIA programs?
Join us for a free webinar with Dr. Scott Sollom, Director of the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University, on this very issue. Your diocese can bolster your OCIA programs with Dr. Sollom’s expertise on the Catechumenal model. We encourage you to bring your questions via Zoom.
No registration is necessary.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/94637777496?pwd=oLIZkoQbZ8pYVLL0bbHKqaFPMga1yv.1
Meeting ID: 946 3777 7496 / Passcode: 338981
This is a follow-up to a previous webinar on the Catechumenal Model from Dr. Sollom. A recording of that presentation (hosted by Julianne Stanz) can be found here.

Dr. Scott Sollom
Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University
Scott Sollom is an associate professor of theology and the Director of the Catechetics Office at Franciscan University. He has conducted RCIA training workshops around the country and the world, including presentations with the Association for Catechumenal Ministry and Symbolon. Before returning to Steubenville, he served as DRE in Stillwater, MN; DRE in College Station, TX; and youth minister in Hudson, Wisconsin. Scott and his wife, Mary, have five wonderful children.
Learn more about the Catechetical Institute.